Thank you for choosing Performance Chiropractic and Family Wellness to assist you in your health, healing and performance goals!
Snow has fallen on the Bridger mountains in Bozeman, MT and skiing and snowboarding are right around the corner! This is truly one of my favorite times of year, I am so excited!!! The snow itself is preparing my mind for tearing up the mountain on my snowboard, but are our bodies ready for a strong and injury free awesome winter ski season?
Training is a big part of pre-season prep, but so is keeping your spine, hips, knees, and feet adjusted and your muscles tuned up and balanced to get the most out of your physical performance and to reduce your injury risk.
We have some great new treatment options that combine a Chiropractic adjustment and the muscle balancing power of Myotonic Facilitation technique, ONLY used here at Performance Chiropractic, along with some dynamic exercise options of Burmese Warrior Yoga, QiGong, and our signature PreActive Stretch routine (PAS) that prepares the entire musculo-skeletal system for action! These combos are called the ChiroFusion sessions.
Give us a call or text 406-580-8486 for an appointment, or go online to schedule at, and get prepared for a fantastic, hardcore winter!
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
~Thomas Edison”